Linggo, Oktubre 5, 2014

I almost forgot the credentials of this blog and luckily I was able to recover the log in details. Now that this blog is back and running expect new helpful post from time to time. So stay tune folks and continue to visit every now and then. I will be sharing great tips and automotive updates every now and then. 

Here are some of the upcoming changes that will take part of the blog

Template - Since I used artisteer in creating the template before, unfortunately the header got messed up that made the picture look ridiculous. I have to find a better template that would suffice the GUI.

Location – We moved to a different location and we are located anymore in L. Jayme St. but we are still in Mandaue Area.

Contact Info – I have recycled the email add since yahoo deactivated the email add due to inactiveness. 

Business as usual - Still the owner is the same and nothing has changed or no new management. 

Sabado, Pebrero 25, 2012
It was last sunday were in I went to SM after going to church. And there was a car displayed at the ground floor of SM northwing. I took a close look at it and it was a porsche car but I was not sure what year it was. Since it look vintage and old so probably my guess was in the mid 70's until I asked the usherette and she told me it was in 1955 . The car was in great shape and could still run to it's maximum throttle. It was so lowered and fits for a luxury display and race. This car was know the "Giant Killer" that lead Porsche to it's first major win race event.

I was glad I had a chance to talk and interview the attendant for I learned a lot. Especially about the history of the car. The paint of the car looks perfect and relaxing to the eye. The color was also my favorite which is grey were in it's so smooth and tender to look.

Contact Us

Owner: Mel Ano-os

Telelphone Numbers

345-6091 – GLOBE
422-3013 – PLDT

cell number: 09087707171

Brabus Workshop

Brabus Workshop
Brabus Workshop

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